Thursday, October 4, 2012

Orchid Show part 2 of 3

More pictures of the orchid show I saw in early April just outside of Bangkok, Thailand.

I really liked this display of little cacti and succulents. How sweet!

These had such variety, including the two with tall thin shoots heading for the sky!

Those guys were tiny- these guys were very big. I loved the warm colors of these.

This was a tall weird spike that I couldn't manage to get very close to. There were other orchids with tiny sprays, but I don't think this was in that group.

Cool how a plant can make two such different colors in the same flower.

Do you know how many pictures there are of my mom smiling politely and me making a face?
A lot. I don't even know. It's like a tradition.

My mother and aunts by some prize winners.

Blue fair ribbons in Thai! That is the character for "one". And these orchids were so small but their color was so deep.

Like tiny dinosaur orchids!

Like broken glass or spiderwebs or laddered stockings...

Something about the bright orange-y yellow with the pale centers made me think of an unfinished coloring book. Remember the Crayola color "mac and cheese"? As a kid who really didn't grow up with Mac and Cheese (though I love it now) I think this association, of plasticky wax crayons and boxed plasticky cheese, delayed my interest for a few more years. 

The flowers above, in their display

Orchids that looked like Pansies! there were orchids that looked like Hyacinths, like Snapdragons, like Wisteria.. even a few that looked like Orchids.

On to more flowers in the next post...

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