Thursday, November 14, 2013

socks, spindling, and sweet pups!

Started a new pair of socks! My socks last week.

My socks last night!
All my current projects bored me and I can't do much else on the queue as all my needles are still packed up somewhere. The yarn is self-patterning (Opal yarn, one of the "Antonia" ones) but it doesn't really "stack" and make blocks of color like I see in most patterning yarns. I think it's just my gauge. But I like the pink/orange/purple combo, even more than I thought I might.
They're plain because I thought a stitch pattern would get lost in the yarn. I am half making it up as I go (not following an exact pattern, but following established techniques for heels etc).

In other knittery news I picked up my drop spindle again for the first time in years!
It's more green in real life. Check out the wheel in the back!
I fell into it again pretty easily, and I was worried I wouldn't. I've had this roving for ages, I'm not even sure what's in it anymore. I started spinning it, making it fine at first, and then got lazy and made it thick.. haha. I'll figure out what I can do with that ball. Now that I'm trying it again, I've been trying hard to keep an even gauge. One of my knitter friends had a spinning day at her house.  She also has these adorable dogs, and is puppy sitting!
Look at this guy! He's a mini Australian Shepard.

And this is her puffball! A parody of cuteness.

going, going

I spent four, four and half hours at the Uni yesterday, most of it waiting, some of it being shuffled around to various department advisors, a bunch of it making calls to figure out why one advisor told me one thing while the other advisor told me something else.
It was very frustrating, dealing with barely competent paper pushers, and I say this as a barely competent paper pusher myself! Haha! 
(And then I got a parking citation!)
Some people were helpful though, and while I still have a long way to go, I also have only myself to blame for not doing this sooner.  I just had to (and have to continue to) breathe deep and remind myself that it will be worth it. I got a little bit done yesterday and that’s more than the “absolutely nothing” that I got done before that. It’s a small step and it took four hours to take, but its a step, and I have to stop standing still.